Height Adjustable Lifting Systems for Wall Cabinets – Electric

Inclusive Living height adjustable electric lifting systems for wall cabinets move up and down at a touch of a button. They offer adaptability and accessibility to meet different and changing needs for individuals and facilities. They can be used in a seated or standing position, designed for easy and safe access and can be used in-conjunction with worktop lifts to totally adapt the application. Can be installed into new or existing wall cabinets or relocated, if required.

Our three systems include –

  • Verti 830/831 is an internal shelving system which is mounted into wall cabinets. The shelving system is lowered and raised in a VERTICAL motion at a touch of a button.
  • Diago 504 system is installed onto the wall and the wall cabinet installed onto the system. It lowers and raises the wall cabinet out and down in arc-shaped (diagonal) motion to the front of the worktop surface.
  • InDiago 510 system is a NEW innovative design combing key features of the Verti and Diago systems. It is an internal shelving system which is mounted into wall cabinets. The entire shelving system moves out and down in an arc-shape (diagonal) motion to the front of the worktop surface at the touch of a button.

Selection of system is based upon a number of considerations, for example:

  • the individuals needs and requirements and/or others using the space
  • persons capacity, especially considering upper body strength and reach
  • will the persons condition or environment be changing
  • would they be using in a seated or standing position or both
  • Please review our technical information or contact Inclusive Living.

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