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Assistive Technology for Inclusive Education


What does Inclusive Education mean to students, families, professional educators, support staff, and other students?

Why is it important to governments, organisations involved in the planning, designing, building, and equipping educational facilities?

The Disability Standards for Education was introduced by the Australian Government in 2005 to ensure that students with disability can access and participate in education on the same basis as other students.

State governments all over Australia have policies to support working towards better outcomes for students living with a disability. Part of these policies include accessible learning environments which incorporate assistive technology and specialised equipment for students to access and participate on the same basis as other students.

“The Disability Standards for Education (2005) (the Standards) are formulated under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA). The primary purpose of the Standards is to clarify, and make more explicit, the obligations of education and training service providers under the DDA and the rights of people with disabilities in relation to education and training.”


The Royal Disability Commission

The Royal Disability Commission, launched in April 2019, has responded to community concerns about widespread reports of violence and abuse of people with disability.

One are if investigation is accessibility to education and learning. People with disability may experience physical and environmental barriers in accessing education – this could be buildings, education materials or even communication methods, which may not be suitable or accessible for the individual.


How can Inclusive Living help?

Inclusive Living is an advocate for the rights of people with disabilities and a provider of assistive technology and proud to support this important transition within the sector.

Inclusive Living was the chosen supplier for height-adjustable systems (included worktops, island worktops, wall cabinet lifts) for the fit out of offices for the Disability Royal Commission.

For more information on how Inclusive Living can help you make your education environment more inclusive and in line with DDA requirements, contact us or download our education brochure here.