1300 304 330

MOTHER’S DAY -why isn’t it every day of the year?


WHY? Because a simple task that an able body person can take for granted – such as being able to access clothes out of a wardrobe at any time of the day (when they want to) can be very challenging for someone who is ageing in place or has other accessibility issues. Let’s make it easy, safe, simple and convenient for all.

Why is this so important for your loved ones to participate, be independent and engaged?

One example from NSW Health: The Falls Prevention Program aims to reduce the incidence and severity of falls among older people and reduce the social, psychological and economic impact of falls on individuals, families and the community. Sourced from, NSW Health Department for Patient Safety Programs/Adult-Patient-Safety/Falls-Prevention.

Some key considerations when reviewing/selecting assistive technology for loved ones, include:

  • Do they have health issues or suffer from conditions such as arthritis (rheumatoid or osteoarthritis), neck/shoulder injuries, Parkinson’s, MS or Stroke?
  • Are they living with many other very challenging conditions that require mobility aids or wheelchairs accessibility, such as spinal cord injuries? For example, are standing or seated position required?
  • Do they have the strength, dexterity and reach capacity to access higher areas?
  • Is the design of wardrobe space functional and unusable? For example, can they access the space easily and safely, especially for higher/upper areas.
  • Is there lack of useable storage space due to downsizing? For example, moving to retirement living accommodation or is extra clutter because of poor design?
  • Can these important issues, potentially cause safety issues such as slips, trips or falls and does this cause unnecessary stress and strain?
  • Do they need assistance to carry out these types of simple tasks and does this put a strain on relationships and/or the carer?
  • Do they need to pay someone to carry out a simple everyday task or do they want to use the cost of care for more important tasks?

Inclusive Living’s ELECTRIC Height Adjustable Wardrobe Lifting Systems help solve many of these issues. They can be fitted into fixed or built-in wardrobes for new or existing wardrobes. They are available in two sizes and two models – 722 for use in upper section (see images below) and 720 for use in lower sections of wardrobes.

How do they work? At the touch of a button they move clothes out and down to and from the wardrobe. Clothes can be accessed in a standing or seated position. This helps reduce barriers, increase functionality, reduce stress and encourages independence/self-care and participation. For further information click on link below.


Please review www.inclusiveliving.com.au for further information or call 1300 304 330